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Umino M, Higashi K, Masu H, Limwikrant W, Yamamoto K, Moribe K*. Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences 2013; 102(8): 2738-2747
Dissolution improvement of fenofibrate by melting inclusion in mesoporus silica
Uejo F*, Limwikrant W, Moribe K, Yamamoto K Asian Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences 2013; 8(6): 329-335
Nano-Sized Crystalline Drug Production by Milling Technology
Moribe K, Ueda K, Limwikrant W, Higashi K, Yamamoto K. Current Pharmaceutical Design 2013; 19(35): 6246-6258
Mechanism of nanoparticle formation from ternary coground phenytoin and its derivatives
Moribe K, Ogino A, Kumamoto T, Ishikawa T, Limwikrant W, Higashi K, Yamamoto K. Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences 2012; 101(9): 3413-3424
Mechanistic differences in permeation behavior of supersaturated and solubilized solutions of carbamazepine revealed by nuclear magnetic resonance measurements
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Characterization of ofloxacin-oxalic acid complex by PXRD, NMR, and THz spectroscopy
Limwikrant W, Higashi K, Yamamoto K, Moribe K. Int J Pharm 2009;382:50-5
Investigation on formation of ethenzamide-thiourea complex by terahertz and far infrared spectroscopy.
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Formation of pharmaceutical drugs-urea compounds: Evaluation by terahertz spectroscopy
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