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Fairwell Party for Rx37.

MUPY Pharmacy Student Association hold a Fairwell Party for class of 2005 who will graduate on March of 2009. These students are 37th class graduated from MUPY. The event was held on 21 November 2009 at MUPY. A number of students and faculty members ...


MUPY staffs received national and international awards.

Two of MUPY faculty members received national and international recognition for their work and dedication. Assoc. Prof. Leena Suntornsuk was among the top-three finalists in the Young Women Researcher Award (medicine category) and received the 1st ru...


MUPY teamed up with Ramathibodi Hospital to get ready for PharmD curriculum

Dean Chuthamanee Suthisisang along with administrative members and Heads of Departments of MUPY went to Ramathibodi Hospital to sign the MOU which will help secure strong coalition toward excellence in pharmacy education. This is a part of MUPY\'s i...


MUPY holds a clinical pharmacy education training program for Vietnamese pharmacy schools

MUPY in collaboration with the School of Life Sciences / Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences, University of Groningen provides assistance to 10 delegates from 6 pharmacy schools from the Socialist Republic of Vietnam on clinical pharmacy education. ...


MUPY launched a project to enhance capacity of all supporting personnel.

MUPY staff and supporting personnel participated in a special event aiming at enhancing capacity of supporting personnel which is an instrumental step for the progression of Mahidol University toward world class university. ...


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