Knowledge Articles

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Health effects of plant-based diets

Are you considering being a vegan or a vegetarian? Whether you are currently: having troubles with controlling your blood sugar or cholest... 12,063 view

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Drugs that should be avoided in patients with dementia

The Thai population is aging rapidly and is considered as “aged society. Within 7-10 years, it is projected that 17 million Thais will be... 18,444 view

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Young Coconut Water: The functional drink from nature

Young coconut water (“tender coconut water” or “young coconut juice”) has long been known among Thai and Southeast Asian people, as... 52,438 view

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Food allergy in children:
a brief information for new parents

Food allergy is “an adverse health effect arising from a specific immune response that occurs reproducibly on exposure to a given food”.... 23,897 view

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Can probiotics survive under medication treatments?

Generally, when one consumes probiotics regularly, either in the forms of functional foods such as yoghurt or milk, or in dosage forms such... 25,046 view

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Melatonin in foods

Melatonin in the body Oxidative stress is an imbalance between the production of reactive oxygen species and antioxidant defenses. It i... 43,689 view

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