Contact Information & Location


Faculty of Pharmacy, Mahidol University. 447 Sri-Ayuthaya Rajathevi Bangkok 10400   View Map

Department Phone Number

Department Direct Number Other Number
Department of Microbiology +66 0-2644-8692 +66 0-2644-8679, +66 0-2644-8680, +66 0-2644-8681, +66 0-2644-8685 Ext. 1133
Department of Biochemistry +66 0-2644-8693 +66 0-2644-8679, +66 0-2644-8680, +66 0-2644-8681, +66 0-2644-8685 Ext. 5732, 5733
Department of Pharmacy +66 0-2644-8694 +66 0-2644-8679, +66 0-2644-8680, +66 0-2644-8681, +66 0-2644-8685 Ext. 1300
Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry +66 0-2644-8695 +66 0-2644-8679, +66 0-2644-8680, +66 0-2644-8681, +66 0-2644-8685 Ext. 5402
Department of Pharmaceutical Botany +66 0-2644-8696 +66 0-2644-8679, +66 0-2644-8680, +66 0-2644-8681, +66 0-2644-8685 Ext. 5551, 5552
Department of Pharmacology +66 0-2644-8700 +66 0-2644-8679, +66 0-2644-8680, +66 0-2644-8681, +66 0-2644-8685 Ext. 5630, 5631
Department of Pharmacognosy +66 0-2644-8701 +66 0-2644-8679, +66 0-2644-8680, +66 0-2644-8681, +66 0-2644-8685 Ext. 5530, 5531
Department of Manufacturing Pharmacy +66 0-2644-8702 +66 0-2644-8679, +66 0-2644-8680, +66 0-2644-8681, +66 0-2644-8685 Ext. 1201, 1202
Department of Physiology +66 0-2644-8703 +66 0-2644-8679, +66 0-2644-8680, +66 0-2644-8681, +66 0-2644-8685 Ext. 5602, 5603
Department of Food Chemistry +66 0-2644-8704 +66 0-2644-8679, +66 0-2644-8680, +66 0-2644-8681, +66 0-2644-8685 Ext. 5706, 5707

Location and Map

View Larger Map | GPS Info: 13.761134, 100.528561 or +13° 45' 40.08", +100° 31' 42.82"


Faculty of Pharmacy, Mahidol University.

447 Sri-Ayuthaya Road, Rajathevi, Bangkok 10400, THAILAND
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