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Fifth year students put their research work on display.

The Committee for the Evaluation of Special Project initiates a Poster Presentation session for 5th year students. This event provides students with opportunity to familiarize themselve with international format of informaiton dissemination in a prof...


MUPY students joined National Intermural Pharmacy Game.

MUPY students participated in the National Intermural Pharmacy Game, an annual event aiming at promoting understanding and friendship among pharmacy students nationalwide. This year, the event is held from 19-22 October 2009 at Ongkarak. Srinakarindw...


MUPY signed an MOU with Boots Retails (Thailand)

Dean Chuthamanee Suthisisang, administrative staff and Heads of Departments participated in the signing ceremony of MOU with Thailand\'s pharmacy retail giants, Boots Retails. This is a part of MUPY\'s initiative to form a strong coalition with vario...


Office of Student Affairs held a career choice day for MUPY students

The Office of Student Affairs partners with the Government Pharmaceutical Organization, Study Oversea Centre, Siam Pharmaceuticals, Roche and Drug Store Company to held a career choice day for MUPY students. This is a part of the Office\'s attempts t...


MUPY builds understanding among personnel toward the implementatin of performance agreement

Assoc. Prof. Sompop Prathanturarug, the Deputy Dean for Planning and Quality Development, met with all MUPY personnel to explain the importance and the implementation of performance agreement. MUPY will implement performance agreement as a part of ou...


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