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MUPY students joined students of other healthcare profession to cut down diabetes.

MUPY students joined students of other healthcare profession to promote awareness on the danger of diabetes. This is a part of activities sponsored by Thai Health Promotion Foundation. The event took place on 29 November 2009 at Sadej Temple, Pathumt...


MUPY held a Home Coming Party of 2009.

MUPY held a Home Coming Party for our alumni. The theme of this year is Back Home for Sweet Memories. The event was held on 28 November 2009. Mr. Ayurawat Junsompertsiri, the Presention of MUPY Alumni Association, also handed 370,000 baht of grant to...


DIC and Graduate Study Program on roadshow at the 5th Thailand Pharmacy Congress.

Drug Information Center and Graduate Study Unit participated in the 5th Thailand Pharmacy Congress which was held on 27-28 November 2009 at BITEC Convention Center. This is a part of a promotional campaign to promote nationwide recognition of MUPY DI...


MUPY held the 2nd Integration in Pharmacy class on Flu 2009.

As a measure to promote integration of sciences toward pharmacy practice, the Subcommittee on Teaching Quality Assurance and Development held the Second Integration in Pharmacy class using flu 2009 as the subject heading. This event is of tremendous ...


MUPY held a Happy University Life activity

As a part of health promotion campaign funded by the Thai Health Promotion Foundation, MUPY held a Happy University Life activity for both undergraduate and graduate students. Activities ranges from lectures and exercise programs. The activity was he...


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