• Professional Training Program for Student from Shinshu University
    On July 16, 2024, from 09.00 A.M. to 11.30 A.M., MUPY\'s International Relations Unit arranged orientation meeting for Mr. Keisuke Itsukushima, an exchange student from Japan\'s Graduate School of Science and Technology, Shinshu University. Having been held at Room 309, the orientation meeting was attended by Assoc. Prof. Dr. Korbtham Sathirakul an..
  • MUPY held the exit presentations of UST and HUP students
    On July 16, 2024, from 01.00 P.M. to 03.00 P.M., Mahidol University’s Faculty of Pharmacy (MUPY) by its International Relations Office held an exit presentation of 13 exchange students including 1) four biochemistry students from the Department of Biochemistry, Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Santo Tomas (UST), the Philippines, and 2) nine pha..
  • Student Exchange Program for HUP Students
    On Monday, July 1, 2024, at 10.00 A.M., Mahidol University\'s Faculty of Pharmacy (MUPY), through its International Relations Office, hosted an orientation for nine Vietnamese exchange students from Hanoi University of Pharmacy (HUP), Vietnam. The event, held in Room 701, received attendance from MUPY\'s executives led by Assoc. Prof. Surakit Nathi..
  • MUPY joined Thai Universities Promotion Seminar in Kunming
    On June 29, 2024, Assist. Prof. Dr. Wichit Nosoongnoen, the Deputy Dean for Doctor of Pharmacy Program (International Program), participated in Thai Universities Promotion Seminar hosted by the Yunnan Around Asia International Education Center. The event was held at the Yunnan Provincial Department of Education in Kunming, the People\'s Republic of..

Faculty of Pharmacy, Mahidol University.

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