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Open Capsule 2010

MUPY Student Association held an annual event aiming to promote pharmacy profession to highschool students called Open Capsule 2010 on 16 January 2010. There were more than 300 highschools students from various parts of Thailand who pariticipated in ...


MUPY focused on Energy Conservation

Assoc. Prof. Pisamai Kulkanjanatorn (Deputy Dean for Administration) and Lecturer Likasit Wongsorasak (Deputy Dean for Student Affairs and Special Affairs) invited speakers from the Department of Alternative Energy Development and Efficiency, Ministr...


Pharmacy Game 2010

MUPY Student Association held an annual sport event called Pharmacy Game 2010 on 6 and 13 of January 2010. This is a part of measures to promote healthy lifestyle and unity among pharmacy students in all level of MUPY. There were a total of 150 stude...


MUPY holds a faculty wide workshop on integration.

As a part of initiatives to make MUPY ready for 6 year curriculum, Assoc. Prof. Suvatna Chulavatnatol and her team held a faculty wide workshop to promote integration in the new 6 year curriculum. This is the first of the 4 planned workshops. The ult...


MUPY Alumni on a merit making trip to 9 temples in Bangkok.

To celebrate the new year, MUPY alumni holds a merit making trip to 9 famous temples located in Bangkok. A large number of MUPY students and staff participated in this event which was held on 9 January 2010. ...


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