Department of Pharmacy

Publication in year 1999

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International Publication

A modern alternative for hospital drug purchasing : prime-vendor system.
Sooksriwong C Thai J Hosp Pharm 1999;9 (2), 162-6
A proposal for an incentive scheme for promoting rational antibiotic use.
Riewpaiboon A, Sunderiand VB, Tangcharoensathien V, Paamore PR Mahidol J Pharm Sci 1999; 25(2): 36-43
Cost effectiveness of antimalarials treatment of quinine plus doxycycline versus artemisinin plus doxycycline in Phaoc Long Hospital, Vietnam.
Sooksriwong CL, Thuy HV, Sathirakul K Program and abstracts of 4th Annual International Meeting International Society for Pharmacoeconomics and Outcomes Research (ISPOR); May 23-26,1999; Crystal city, Woshington DC, USA. 1999
Development of multivesicular liposomes containing tetracaine.
Chantasart D*,Srigritsanapol A,Chaivanon P,Phattaramanuskul P. Mahidol University J Pharm Sci 1999;26(1-4):1-8
Effects of a herbal sodium bicarbonate dentrifice on plaque and gingivitis : a six month clinical study.
Chithumnong P, Kraivaphan P, Triratana T, Amornchat C, Junyaprasert V Mahidol Dent J 1999; 19 (1-3):43-9
Pharmacoeconomics in Thailand.
Sooksriwong C. ISPOR Newsletter 1999; 5(3) :3-4
Pharmacokinetics of levofloxacin in healthy Thai male volunteers.
Chulavatnatol S, Chindavijak B, Vibhagool A, Wananukul W, Sriapha C, Sirisangtragul C. J Med Assoc Thailand 1999; 82 (11): 1127-35
The antibacterial properties of herbal toothpaste : an in vitro and in vivo study.
Amonchat C, Junyaprasert V J Health Science 1999 ; 8 (2) : 202-9
Using barcode technology in health care.
Pumtong S, Sooksriwong C. Thai J Phytopharm 1999;8 (1), 67-78

National Publication

Antimicrobial use evaluation.
Riewpaiboon A and Sunderland VB Frontiers in Plant Science 1999; 26(1-4): 44-51
Cost-benefit analysis of an incentive scheme for promoting antibiotic prescribing.
Riewpaiboon A,Sunderland VB,Tangcharoensathien V,Passmore PR Pharmacoepidemiology and Drug Safety 1999; 8 (Suppl 2): S141-2

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