Department of Pharmacy

Publication in year 1987

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International Publication

Effect of inflammation and proadifen on the disposition of antipyrine, lignocaine and propranolol in rat isolated perfused liver.
Chindavijak B, Belpaire FM, Bogaert MG. J Pharm Pharmacol 1987; 39: 997-1002.
Effect of inflammation on the metabolism of antipyrine, lidocaine and propranolol in isolated rat hepatocytes.
Chindavijak B, Belpaire FM, Bogaert MG. Arch Int Pharmacodyn 1987; 290: 152.
In-vitro biotransformation of antipyrine, lignocaine and propranolol in the liver of rats with turpentine-induced inflammation.
Chindavijak B, Belpaire FM, Bogaert MG. J Pharm Pharmacol 1987; 39: 883-6.
SKF 525 A displaces drugs from serum alpha1- acid glycoprotein binding sites.
Belpaire FM, Chindavijak B, Bogaert MG. J Pharmacol Exp Ther 1987; 240: 628-30.

National Publication

Constituents of Paramichelia baillonii: A New Germacranolide Alkaloid.
Ruangrungsi N, Riewpaiboon A, Lange GL, Picha P, Decices CP J Nat Prod 1987; 50(8): 891-6

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