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MUPY brainstroming our strategic plan.

MUPY held a meeting to consolidate our strategies to become the one of the best faculty of pharmacy in Asia. This event is a follow-up on previous meetings aiming to finalize the strategic plans of MUPY which will be used to guide MUPY into excellenc...


MUPY held a Preceptor Development Program

With the recognition of importance of internship and clerkship rotations, MUPY held a Preceptor Development Program to provide training for preceptors that will ultimately be beneficial for MUPY students during their rotations. This event was held on...


MUPY students showed their respect to the Queen during 2009 Mother's Day

MUPY, as the representative of Mahidol University, participated in the auspicious event of the Queen\'s birthday on 12 August 2009. The Office of Student Affairs led a group of MUPY students during the parade through Sanamluang along with other publi...


Assoc. Prof. Dr. Kunikazu Moribe visited MUPY

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Kunikazu Moribe from the Graduate School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Chiba University, Japan visited MUPY under the support and funding from the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) during 4-10 August 2009. Assoc. Prof....


Strategic Planning for MUPY Graduate Program

With the aim to further improve graduate studies at MUPY, a meeting to develop strategy to promote and improve quality of our graduate program was held on 1 August 2009. Participants for this event were administrative team and Heads of graduate progr...


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