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MUPY signed an MOU with Biolab

MUPY secured a collaboration with Biolab, the leading pharmaceutical company in Thailand. The collaboration will benefit both teaching and clerkship rotation of undergraduate and graduate students along with strengthening up MUPY research network. Th...


Sport Competition between MUPY and MUDT.

To promote friendship and understanding between personnel of MUPY and the Faculty of Dentistry, Mahidol University, a bi-lateral sport competition is held on 20 August 2009. There are a number of participants in this event on both sides. ...


MUPY Alumni Club joined hand with MUPY in the Career Showcase meeting

To promote understanding on job opportunities, MUPY Alumni Club and MUPY cosponsored an event called Join Me to Your Dream. Successful alumni in various disciplines both from public and private sectors provide their views and experience on their curr...


MUPY partners with United States Pharmacopoeia on GMP training for Inspectors from Laos and Cambodia

Clin. Prof. Piyasakol Sakolsatayadorn, the President of Mahidol University and Dean Chuthamanee Suthisisang presides in the opening ceremony for the “Center of Excellence Training on Good Manufacturing Practices”. This is an important and histori...


MUPY held a smoking cessation campaign in Nakornnayok

MUPY Student Association held an activity to promote better health for Thai people during 15-16 August 2009 at Nakornnayok province. The main activity is to promote smoking cessation in the community. This event also served as an event where faculty ...


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