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MUPY welcome exchange students from University Paris Descartes

Dean Chuthamanee Suthisisang, Assoc. Prof. Cha-oncin Suksriwong, Assist. Prof. Surakit Nathisuwan (Assistant Dean for International Relations) extended an official welcome to three 5th year pharmacy students from the Faculty of Pharmacy, University P...


Development of Exam Blue Print

Deputy Dean for Academic Affairs, Assoc. Prof. Suvatna Chulavatnatol organized a meeting to promote the development and usage of exam blue print. This is a part of series of initiatives aiming to improve quality teaching and effective student assesss...


MUPY signed an MOU with Siam Pharmaceuticals, the prominent local pharmaceutical manufacturing plant.

MUPY secured a collaboration with Siam Pharmaceutical, the largest private local pharmaceutical company in Thailand. The collaboration will benefit both teaching and clerkship rotation of undergraduate and graduate students along with strengthening u...


Medical Students from West Indies visited the Sirirukhachart Botanical Garden

A group of 1st and 2nd year medical students from the School of Medicine, St. George’s University, Grenada, West Indies visited the Sirirukhachart Botanical Garden. This is a part of their summer excursion trip at the Faculty of Medicine at Siriraj...


MUPY received generous donation from Dr. Jirawat Janchanakit.

Assoc. Prof. Pisamai Kulkanjanatorn, the Associate Dean for Administration, acted on behalf of MUPY to express our sincere gratitude toward the admirable generosity of Dr. Jirawat Janchanakit from St. Mary Health & Beauty Company. Dr. Jirawat has don...


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