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MUHTA hosted a special lecture delivered by US visiting professor from University of California, San Francisco

On September 18, 2018, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Usa Chaikledkaew, Director of Graduate Program in Health Technology Assessment (HTA), along with faculty members warmly hosted a reception for Prof. Dr. Dean Jamison, a visiting professor from Institute for Glo...


Kentucky students delivered the exit presentation of their professional practice in Thailand

On September 14, 2018, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Busba Chindavijak, Deputy Dean for Administration and Human Resources, together with Lect. Lakkana Suwannoi attended the exit presentation and evaluation delivered by two Kentucky students from College of Pharm...


Representative from Leave a Nest Singapore Pte. Ltd., Singapore

On September 11, 2018, MUPY’s Assistant Dean for Innovation and Technology Transfer, namely, Dr. Veerawat Teeranachaideekul, along with faculty members hosted a reception for representative from Leave a Nest Singapore Pte. Ltd. located in Singapore...


MUPY welcomed exchange student from Chiba University, Japan

On September 4, 2018, Assoc. Prof. Mullika Chomnawang, Deputy Dean for Research & International Relations, together with Assoc. Prof. Dr. Satit Puttipipatkhachorn, Head of Department of Manufacturing Pharmacy, along with department members and gradua...


French student delivered the exit presentation of her internship in Thailand

On August 31, 2018, MUPY’s International Relations Office organized an exit presentation session for French student, namely Ms. Fengwei CAI who came from Faculty of Pharmaceutical and Biological Sciences, Paris Descartes University, France. She has...


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