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French student delivered the exit presentation of her internship in Thailand

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Since 31 August 2018  
On August 31, 2018, MUPY’s International Relations Office organized an exit presentation session for French student, namely Ms. Fengwei CAI who came from Faculty of Pharmaceutical and Biological Sciences, Paris Descartes University, France. She has recently finished her professional internship in the area of ’Regulatory Aspects of Pharmaceutical and Related Products’ at Sanofi-Aventis (Thailand) Co., Ltd. during April 19 - August 29, 2018. Regarding this, MUPY’s executives led by Assist. Prof. Dr. Wichit Nosoongnoen, Deputy Dean for Education, together with Dr. Sitaporn Youngkong, Deputy Dean for Student Affairs, attended her exit presentation revealing her internship and professional experiences at the company.

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