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Mahidol University signed MoA with Meiji Pharmaceutical University

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Since 22 September 2015  
On September 22nd, Prof. Udom Kachintorn, M.D., President of Mahidol University, and Assoc. Prof. Dr. Chuthamanee Suthisisang, Dean of Faculty of Pharmacy, signed Memorandum of Agreement (MoA) with Prof. Keitaro Ishii (President of Meiji Pharmaceutical University) and Prof. Akinori Kubo (Chairman, Board of Directors), honored delegates from Meiji Pharmaceutical University, Japan. With this regard, they also had a chance to discuss about mutual collaboration between two institutions. The objectives of the MoA are to promote the reciprocal exchange of faculty, staff and students, engage in joint research projects, host seminars and academic meetings on mutually agreed/relevant topics, share scientific knowledge based on research and experience in both institutions, and promote other academic activities in the future.

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