Anaxgorea javanica Blume var. tripetara Corner (Annonaceae), newly recorded from Thailand.
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Anti-inflammatory activity of ethanolic extract of Solanum trilobatum fruit in experimental animal models.
Hanchang W, Thongpraditchote S, Wongkrajang Y, Temsiririrkkul R, Kongsaktrakoon B. 20th Congress of Federation of Asian Pharmaceutical Associations (FAPA) Bangkok Thailand 2004
Conservation of Gagnepainia thoreliana (Baill.) K. Schum., a rare Thai medicinal plant, using micropropagation.
Prathanturarug S, Chuakul W, Huadsuwan P, Kiatseesakul I, Duangnet J, Jenjittikul T. 20th Congress of Federation of Asian Pharmaceutical Associations (FAPA) Bangkok Thailand 2004
Field selection and micropropagation of Curcuma longa L.
Prathanturarug S., Soonthornchareonnon N., Chuakul W. and Saralamp. P. International Congress on Natural Products Research, Phoenix, Arizona, 2004 Abstract 244
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