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Trans-fatty acids in fried foods and baked foods

Trying to stay away from your favorite cakes to keep you healthy? Did you calm your cravings by nibbling on cookies, biscuits, pies or turnove... 30,203 view

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Thai Traditional Medicine Theory in Relation to Seasons Part 3

Basic herbal formulations for ritu related dysfunction of Mahabhutarupa As stated earlier that the numbering of months in a year for TTM is diff... 18,661 view

18,661 view

Thai Traditional Medicine Theory in Relation to Seasons Part 2

The five principles of disease development Mahabhutarupa The 5 ailments ( bile, blood, semha, gumdao and vayu) The Tridosha (vata, pitta, semha or kapha). Prated samuthan ... 18,873 view

18,873 view

Top 10 Potassium-Rich Foods & Health Benefit

Potassium is a mineral that is essential for our body. Potassium plays an important role in normal cellular function and metabolism, such as regulating the activity of nerves and muscles, maintaini... 29,326 view

29,326 view

Thai Traditional Medicine Theory in Relation to Seasons Part 1

Thai Traditional Medicine (TTM) recognizes the existence of the physique and the spiritual components of human being like other ancient wisdoms (G... 28,873 view

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