Knowledge Articles

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Preservatives in sausages, ham, and bologna

Nitrite in cured meat products Emulsion-type sausages, hams and bolognas are cured meat products, which are very popular meals among stu... 45,317 view

45,317 view

Stevia: Natural sweetness...sweetener of choice

Sweetness is the favorite taste for everyone. Eating too much sugar (sucrose) or artificial sweetener, is not good for health. Nowadays, the ... 27,553 view

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STOP SMOKING with Nicotine Replacement Therapy

Shocking Statistics According to the last Global Adult Tobacco Survey, which took place in Thailand in 2009, 27.2% of the population, which equates to 14.3 m... 27,221 view

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AMD.. what to eat to delay it?

What is AMD? The retina is the innermost area of the eye. When we look at an object, the light which strikes the object is reflected and p... 29,788 view

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As a Diabetic, What are my Choices for Alternative Sweeteners?

At your latest (routine) health check-up, you’ve just found out that you are diabetic. Your life won’t be the same again. Limitless ch... 32,766 view

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Top 10 Selenium-Rich Foods & Health Benefit

Selenium (Se), one of the trace elements, is a nutritionally essential mineral that exert many important biological functions. Se is essentia... 29,736 view

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