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2021 Senior Review

On July 4, 2021, at 01.00 p.m. - 04.00 p.m., MUPY Student Association in collaboration with the Student Affairs Division virtually organized the “2021 Senior Review” Program via Cisco Webex Meetings for MUPY freshmen. Regarding this, the Deputy D...


Webinar on ’Andrographis paniculata for COVID-19 Treatment and Prevention’

On Monday, May 1, 2021, from 01:00 p.m. to 02:00 p.m., MUPY officially hosted a virtual webinar entitled ’Andrographis paniculata for COVID-19 Treatment and Prevention’ which was broadcasted via YouTube Live to its 700 participants across the cou...


The 2nd Round of Student Development by Transformative Learning Approach for MUPY’s Freshmen

On Saturday, May 1, 2021, from 09:00 a.m. - 04:00 p.m., MUPY’s Division of Student Affairs organized the 2nd round of the activity-based project entitled ’Student Development by Transformative Learning Approach’ for MUPY’s freshmen via Zoom M...


Virtual Visit at the Departments responding to the EdPEx Criteria

The Faculty of Pharmacy, Mahidol University has continually received an EdPEx Assessment according to Mahidol University’s policies in order to improve the quality of education and the faculty management, processes, and operations. In response to t...


MU-HTA organized the 2nd Capacity Building Training Program in Vaccine Economics

On April 28-30, 2021 at 09.00 am. – 04.00 pm., MU-HTA Graduate Program (MU-HTA) in collaboration with Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health (JHSPH), Johns Hopkins University, USA, virtually arranged the 2nd Capacity Building Training Prog...


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