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Head of Center of Analysis Product Quality (Division of Natural Products) joined the KOB NOK KALA TV Program

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Since 13 June 2022  
On Monday, June 13, 2022, from 10.30 am. – 2.30 pm., Assoc. Prof. Dr. Pongtip Sithisarn, Head of Center of Analysis Product Quality (Division of Natural Products), joined the interview and video clip recording by KOB NOK KALA Program on the episode of “Andrographis paniculate.” The KOB NOK KALA Program was produced by TV Burabha company. Moreover, the episode of “Andrographis paniculate” also focus on how to make the medicine and how to analyze the quality of it. Furthermore, the Program are broadcasted via Amarin TV HD on every Tuesday, at 10.35 pm. The KOB NOK KALA Program is presenting variety of knowledge in a fun way. It is the program which presenting fact for audience at all ages to adapt the knowledge in the real life.

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