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MUPY held a public education even on safe and appropriate use of antibiotics

MUPY joined hand with the MUPY Foundation in holding a public education event on Safe and Effective Use of Antibiotics. This event aimed to tackle the inappropriate use of antibiotics in the community which may play an important role in the developme...


MUPY held a conference on Herbal Medicine in the National Essential Drug Lists Evidence Based Review

MUPY held a conference on herbal medicine at Room 302 Thepparat Building during 25-26 June 2009. This conference aims to disseminate up to date information of herbal medicines that have been included in the National Essential Drug List of Thailand. T...


Roadshow to promote MUPY graduate study programs.

Assistant Dean Naeti Suksomboon and staff in the graduate study unit went on a roadshow at the Annual Scientific Meeting of the College of Pharmacotherapeutics under the Pharmacy Council of Thailand. The event was held at Chulalongkorn Hospital from ...


Orientation of Newly Enrolled Graduate Students

MUPY held an orientation meeting for the newly enrolled graduate students. This annual event aims to provider newcomers with basic information about how to be successful in the study plan and to enjoy life at MUPY. This is also a platform for newcome...


Conference on Bioequivalence Regulatory & Practical Aspects

Department of Pharmacy, MUPY held a conference on Bioequivalence Regulatory & Practical Aspect during 22-23 June 2009. This important event aimed to provide latest knowledge and regulations related to bioequivalence study. This event is highly benefi...


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