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Orientation of Newly Enrolled Graduate Students for 2010.

MUPY held an orientation meeting for the newly enrolled graduate students. This annual event aims to provider newcomers with basic information about how to be successful in the study plan and to enjoy life at MUPY. This is also a platform for newcome...


MUPY warns the public of danger with diet pills.

Dean Chuthamanee Suthisisang provided an interview to a TV3 Channel reporter, Mr. Chayat Mookdaharn, about the danger of anti-obesity medications. When used inappropriately without supervision from an expert, a variety of adverse effects may occur, s...


2010 Teacher Appreciation Day

MUPY along with its Student Chapter held a Teacher Appreciation day on 3 June 2010. This annual event is one of the main activities to promote relationship and understanding between faculty members and students alike. ...


Leading textbook importer opened a branch at MUPY

PB For Book, Co.,Ltd., Thailand\’s leading textbook importer, opened a branch at MUPY. This is based upon an agreement between MUPY and PB For Book which aims to set this branch up as the most authoritative sources of medical and pharmaceutical tex...


Vice Chancellor of the Royal University of Bhutan visited MUPY.

Prof. Pema Thinley, the Vice Chancellor of the Royal University of Bhutan, along with his staff visited MUPY on 30 May 2010. This visit is made possible by the co-ordination of TICA. The purpose of this visit is to find a collaboration from MUPY to s...


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