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MUPY signs an MOU with the Department of Medical Services, Ministry of Public Health

MUPY signs an MOU with hospitals, clinics and institutes under the supervision of the Department of Medical Services or DMS, Ministry of Public Health. This is an excellent partnership which is instrumental in the advancement our Doctor of Pharmacy c...


Sadeep Medhasi, MUPY grad student from Nepal, won the title Mr. Mahidol University International.

On 30 June 2010, Mahidol International Day 2010 was held at the Faculty of Medicine, Ramathibodi Hospital. This annual event is held to recognize the sense of internationalization of Mahidol University. This is also a platform for international stude...


Strategic planning on student development

MUPY places student development as one of our top priorities. On 15 June 2010, a meeting was held to brainstorm a plan to promote student development for MUPY students. For this meeting, MUPY invites an expert on strategic planning, Dr. Rat Thanadire...


MUPY held a conference on microbiological quality control of pharmaceutical products.

The Department of Microbiology, MUPY held the first conference on pharmaceutical microbiology entitled Microbiological Quality Control of Pharmaceutical Products. This two days conference aims to promote knowledge sharing and understanding of process...


MUPY received top research award from the Thailand Research Fund.

The results of the Research Quality Assessment of Academic Disciplines in Thai Universities by the Thailand Research Fund have been formally announced. MUPY is ranked at the top of Pharmacy Schools in Thailand on research with the highest marks on al...


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