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SDGs MaPs Program at NUS

During August 1-5, 2023, four undergraduate students from Mahidol University’s Faculty of Pharmacy took part in the SDGs+ Mahidol University Projects (SDGs MaPs) Program arranged in Singapore. The SDGs MaPs Program was hosted by Mahidol University...


Exit Presentations of UST and HUP Students

On Friday, 21, July, 2023, from 09.00 a.m. to 12.00 p.m., Mahidol University’s Faculty of Pharmacy (MUPY) by its International Relations Office held an exit presentations of 17 exchange students including 1) the biochemistry students from the Facul...


Visit of National Health Insurance Authority, Nigeria delegates

On July 17, 2023 from 10.00 a.m. - 12.00 p.m., MUPY's executive led by Assoc. Prof. Dr. Usa Chaikledkaew, Deputy Dean for International and Public Relations and the Program Director of Mahidol University’s Health Technology Assessment (MUHTA) Gradu...


Research Collaborative meeting with Shinshu University

On July 14, 2023, from 12.00 p.m. – 15.00 p.m., Department of Pharmacy led by Assoc. Prof. Dr. Korbtham Sathirakul and Asst. Prof. Dr. Jiraporn Leanpolchareanchai provided a warm welcome to Prof. Dr. Toshio Sakaiand two students from Shinshu unive...


MUPY faculty members visited China for academic collaboration

From July 9 to July 13, 2023, the delegation comprising Assoc. Prof. Dr. Kittisak Sripha, Chair of the Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry, and Assist. Prof. Dr. Satsawat Visansirikul from the Faculty of Pharmacy, Mahidol University, along with th...


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