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MUPY welcomed the delegate from The University of Iowa, USA

On November 9th, 2016, MUPY executives and faculty members led by Assoc. Prof. Busba Chindavijak, Acting Deputy Dean for Administration and Human Resources, and Assist. Prof. Mullika Chomnawang, Deputy Dean for Research & International Relations host...


MUPY joined the candle-lighting ceremony at Prince Mahidol Hall

In the evening of Monday 7 November 2016, MUPY faculty members, personnels, and pharmacy students participated in the candle-lighting ceremony entitled ’HM the late King will stay in our heart, We will be the power of the land’. The event was hos...


WVU students completed their international rotation

On November 1st, 2016, Assoc. Prof. Surakit Nathisuwan, Deputy Dean for Planning and Quality Development, along with Assoc. Prof. Busba Chindavijak, Acting Deputy Dean for Administration and Human Resources, Assist. Prof. Mullika Chomnawang,Deputy De...


MUPY welcomed the delegation from Oregon Health & Science University, USA

On October 31st, 2016, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Suvatna Chulavatnatol, Dean, along with Assist. Prof. Dr. Mullika Chomnawang, Deputy Dean for Research & International Relations, and Dr. Piyatip Khuntayaporn welcomed Prof. Mark Zabriskie and the delegation fr...


A special lecture delivered by a professor from Germany

On October 26th, 2016, Prof. Dr. Opa Vajragupta welcomed Prof. Peter Brust from Institute of Radiopharmaceutical Cancer Research, Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf, Germany. On this occasion, Prof. Peter Brust had a chance to discuss about mutual ...


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