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Faculty of Pharmacy, Mahidol University signed an MOU with BEDO.

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Since 20 January 2011  
The Faculty of Pharmacy, Mahidol University (MUPY) signed an MOU with Biodiversity-based Economy Development Office, a national public organization aiming to create of database of knowledge to facilitate Thai economy development through national biodiversity. BEDO is keen on the value and potential of medicinal plant database under the care of MUPY. Such database which has been developed and maintained in the past 30 years serve as a valuable pool of data for medicinal plants in Thailand. With the signing of MOU, there will be a transformation of data based on medicinal plant database of MUPY to a plan-language database which will be posted on BEDO website. This process will help improve accessibility of data related to Thai medicinal plants which will allow the public to learn and make use of such data accordingly. In addition, several projects aiming at increasing the application of scientific data to public use will also be developed.

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