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MUHTA joined the trainer workshop on EQ-5D valuation study in Nigeria

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Since 20 May 2024  

During May 20-24, 2024, three faculty members in the Graduate Program in Health Technology Assessment (MUHTA) including Assoc. Prof. Dr. Usa Chaikedkleaw, Deputy Dean for International and Public Relations, and the Director of the Program Director of Mahidol University's Health Technology Assessment (MUHTA) Graduate Program, along with Assoc. Prof. Dr. Montarat Thavorncharoensap and Asst. Prof. Dr. Sitaporn Youngkong visited the Office of Nigeria's National Health Insurance Authority (NHIA). The purpose of their official visit was to join as the invited speakers and trainers in the "Interviewer Training Workshop: EQ-5D Valuation Study” organized by NHIA located in Abuja Capital City, the Federal Republic of Nigeria.

During their visit, they had an opportunity to pay a courtesy visit to Mr. Kriwat Phamorabutra (Minister Counsellor of the Royal Thai Embassy, Abuja, Nigeria) who hosted a reception luncheon and discussed potential academic collaboration between the two parties. Besides, they participated as the invited speakers in the “HTA Master Class: Priority Setting in Healthcare” on May 22, 2024.

The workshop aimed to provide the training for interviewers for the EQ-5D valuation study in Nigeria. It was also determined to provide the knowledge and lesson learned related to the role of Health Technology Assessment (HTA) to support Universal Health Coverage benefit package developments for the NHIA staff and other relevant participants. The workshop was a part of a signed MoU between Mahidol University and the NHIA for Capacity building of the NHIA staff in the fields of HTA and priority setting in healthcare.

Furthermore, this activity responded to SDG’s Goal 4: Reduce inequality within and among countries. Goal 10: reduce inequality within and among countries, and Goal 17: Partnership for the Goals to strengthen the means of implementation and revitalize the global partnership for sustainable development.

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