[ Pharmaceutical Sciences Asia - ONLINE ]
E-ISSN 2586-8470
[ Journal Abbreviation: Pharm.Sci.Asia ]
Mahidol University Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences
  FORMER NAME   "Mahidol University Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences" Published Since 1974


DOI: https://doi.org/10.14456/mujps.2015.12Pharm Sci Asia 2015; 42(2), 93-100

New Approach for Sustained Release Dosage Form Design: Aceclofenac

Md. A. Habib1, Md. F. Mahmud1, Md. T. Islam1, M. Hasan1, S. Koushik Ahamed2*, Md. M. Billah1*, P. Arefin3

1 Department of Pharmacy, Dhaka International University, Dhaka-1207, Bangladesh
2 Department of Pharmacy, Comilla University, Comilla-3506, Bangladesh
3 Department of Pharmaceutical Technology, Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Dhaka, Dhaka 1205, Bangladesh

In pharmaceutical dosage form preparation, eggshell powder has been explored for the new application as pharmaceutical excipient. So, our present study was undertaken to develop sustained release (SR) matrix tablets of aceclofenac using eggshell powder as newly investigated pharmaceutical excipient. Two different eggshell powders were used. These included ethanol treated and chloroform treated eggshell powders. The treated samples were prepared by surface modification using 1.0 % w/v stearic acid in solvent namely deionized water, 95 % ethanol and chloroform. Different formulations (F1-F6) were prepared by wet granulation method along with HPMC, treated eggshell powder as release retardant polymer and other ingredients. Dissolution studies of six aceclofenac formulations in pH 6.8 phosphate buffer were performed using USP Dissolution Apparatus II. The evaluation involves two stages-the physical properties studies of tablets and in vitro release kinetics assessment. The release kinetics was analyzed using Zero order and Higuchi’s equation. Significant differences were found among the drug release profile from different levels of using HPMC and treated eggshell. From Higuchi model plot it was found that chloroform treated eggshell powder containing formulation (F-5) shows most amendable sustain release over 24 hours than ethanol treated eggshell powder containing formulation (F-3). The in-vitro release studies revealed that F-5 can be taken as an ideal or optimized formulation of sustained release tablets for 24 hours release as it fulfills all the requirements for sustained release tablet. Sustained release of the drug may be due to hydrophobic nature of the treated eggshell powders and the degree of hydrophobicity of the treated eggshell powders depends on the type of solvent used in surface modification process. That’s why chloroform treated eggshell powder showed greater sustained release profile. The results obtained from this study suggest using treated eggshell powder as an inexpensive pharmaceutical excipient instead of commercial expensive release retardant polymer to control the drug release from the tablet. Furthermore, this finding will be useful in the development of biomaterials from eggshell waste by recommending the new dimension of eggshell powder in pharmaceutical industry.


Aceclofenac, Eggshell, Higuchi’s equation, Sustained release

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