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Deputy Dean Pitsamai joined energy saving activities.

Deputy Dean Pitsamai Kulkanjanatorn led a group of MUPY supporting personnel to join energy saving activities at Wangdum Mountain camp in Kanchanaburi during 26-27 of September. New ideas on how to preserve energy and recycling of garbage will be app...


MUPY pays our ultimate respect to HRH Prince Mahidol of Songkla.

Dean, Deputy Deans along with staff and students participated in a ceremony to pay our ultimate respect to His Royal Highness Prince Mahidol of Songkla in the remembrance of Mahidol Day which is on 24 September of each year. HRH Prince Mahidol of Son...


Appreciation party for 3 MUPY professors for their retirement

On 23 September 2009, MUPY held an appreciation party for Dr. Varavudh Sithipitaks, Assoc. Prof. Aimon Somanabandhu and Assoc. Prof. Potjanee Suriyawong for their contribution toward the greatness of MUPY. All 3 professors have been working tirelessl...


MUPY secures a partnership with Phyathai Group, a leading private chain hospital of Thailand

MUPY signed an MOU with Phyathai Group, a leading private chain hospital of Thailand, to promote pharmacy education and pharmacy practice of both organizations. This is a part of MUPY\'s initiative to form a strong coalition to support the developmen...


MUPY welcomed Delegates from Chiba University

Delegates from Chiba University including Prof. Keji Yamamoto (Vice President) Prof. Akikazu Ando (Vice-President for International Affairs & Head of International Exchange Center Taskforce) and Mr. Masani Gomita (Head of International Affairs Divis...


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