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Congratulations to Assoc. Prof. Wandee Gritsanapan and graduate students on receiving the Best Abstracts in Indonesia

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Since 11 October 2012  
Assoc. Prof. Wandee Gritsanapan were honorly invited to give a special lecture entitled ’Current status and further research of Garcinia mangostana as a herbal medicine” at the International Conference on Medicinal Plants 2012 “Scientification of Jamu: A Breakthrough Program from Plant to Medicine for Health Care during October 11-12, 2012 at Purwokerto in Indonesia. In this occasion, our graduate students i.e., Mr. Sumet Kongkiatpaiboon, Mr. Boonyadist Vongsak, Mukda Jankasem, and Miss Aye Moh Moh San received the Best Abstracts in Indonesia. Congratulations to Assoc. Prof. Wandee Gritsanapan and graduate students on receiving the Best Abstracts in Indonesia.

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