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MUPY set the Training Program on Pharmacy Education Management for Delegates form 6 Pharmacy schools of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam

MUPY in association with University of Groningen and Natherlands Orgainization for International Cooperation in Higher Education (NUFFIC) officially set the project of Training Program on Pharmacy Education Management which was held during 21-25 Marc...


MUPY wins national poster presentation

Congratulations to all supportive staffs of MUPY on their success in national poster presentation. The poster entitled ’ The management of chemical substances in Faculty of Pharmacy, Mahidol University’ was proundly presented in national conferen...


MUPY gave a bulletin on global issue of radioactive leakage

According to the miserable disaster from Japan indicated the emergency situation on radioactive leakage to nearby area, Iodine-131 is one of the significant isotopes to deliberately be alerted because of its toxicity, Thyroid cancer, for example. Sev...


Special lecture on Clinical Trial

MUPY cordially welcomed Dr. Joan Haughton, Senior lecturer in Clinical Trial Research from Cranfield University, Director, Clinical Trials Group, Royal Free and University College, London, UK. She gave a special lecture entitled ”Is it safe and eff...


MUPY staff received multiple awards from Mahidol University

On 2 March 2011, the success of MUPY staffs were recognized in the annual Mahidol Celebration Day. For this year, Assist. Prof. Preecha Monthakantikul, from the Department of Pharmacy, received the ’Teacher of the Year Award’ for his dedication i...


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