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MUPY student received full scholarship award in 2015 International Summer Session (ISS) program

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Since 14 August 2014  
Mr. Naphat Sattayut, 6th year undergraduate student, Faculty of Pharmacy, Mahidol University, has officially been chosen to receive ’full scholarship’, a precious award in joining 2015 International Summer Session (ISS) Program at Hankuk University of Foreign Studies, South Korea, for his exceptional performance. The conclusion has been considered by lecturers and staff on class attendance, test scores, outcomes and development in the program through a period of 1 month. Furthermore, he has received ’Best in Class Award’ in Korean Economy Course. According to the award, he has been waived for a tuition fee and accommodation expense through the program. The farewell and closing ceremony, which all participants are required to conduct exit presentation and deliver recommendation or feedback, has been held on August 14, 2014 at Hankuk University of Foreign Studies, South Korea. MUPY would like to congratulate on his excellent performance and priceless awards.

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