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The Rehearsal Day of Mahidol University Commencement

All faculty members of MUPY gave a big appreciation to all recent degree-holder, Bachelor, Master and Doctoral degree are included. In this great opportunity, we took worthy picture to be one of commemoration of MUPY. ...


M.Sc. student from Department of Pharmacology, won the Mr. and Ms. Mahidol University International Night 2011 contest.

Assoc. Prof. Chuthamanee Suthisisang, Dean of Faculty of Pharmacy, Dr. Jiraphong Suksiriworapong, and Thai and international students from Faculty of Pharmacy, Mahidol University, participated in Mahidol University International Week 2011 which has b...


Ministry of Health & Population from Nepal visited MUPY

MUPY leading by Assoc. Prof. Promchit Saralamp, Head of Department of Pharmaceutical Botany, and Assoc. Prof. Wisuda Suvitayavat, Head of Medicinal Plant Information Center, cordially welcomed the representative from Ministry of Health &Population, N...


MUPY updated strategies and development plans

MUPY strengthen the collarabotion both in academic personnel and supportive staffs to fully achieve our expectations by helding the meeting to update all neccessary information for MUPY. This meeting was officially manifested by all of Deputy Dean an...


The first public appearance for Health Promotion in Life Style Modification Campaign

MUPY proudly presents the Health Promotion Campaign on Life Style Modification which processed by The supportive staffs for Faculty of Pharmacy network on 16 June 2011. This program is willing to promote the community awareness in Health Care. The pa...


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