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The development plan for Thai Herb entrepreneur held by MUPY

Assoc. Prof. Chutamanee Suthisisung, Dean of MUPY, conferred upon the opening ceremony of the educational event entitled The Contemporary Manufacturing on Thai Herb for entrepreneur. This conference was officially held to promote all Thai herbal rel...


KM lunch for July 2011 in the theme of effective Public Presentation Technique.

Effective public presentation technique has been proudly presented as a theme in KM lunch as of July 2011 which officially held on 21 July 2011. 3 special speakers offered informative and also entertaining messages for all participants. Start with K...


Professor from Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia visited MUPY

MUPY, by Assoc. Prof. Chutamanee Suthisisung and Prof. Narong Sarisuta, cordially welcomed Assoc. Prof. Mohd Cairul lqbal Mohd Amin, Deputy Dean (Graduate & Research) from Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia at 21 July 2011. During this visit, he also gav...


Congratulations to MUPY staff who received certification of Animal Experimentation

The Secretariat Office of the National Committee for Research Animal Development (SONCRAD) in association with TEQ Co.,Ltd has officially announced the award winning staffs who dedicated themselves according to promoting the development of animal ca...


2 crucial conferences held by MUPY

The 2 knowledgeable conferences were officially held by department of Pharmacy, MUPY. The conferences entitled National Conference on Drug Interactions 2011 and Intravenuous Admixture Incompatibility consecutively which drew the nationwide attention...


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