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Congratulations to MUPY graduate students for Dean’s List and the excellent thesis award

Dr. Jiraphong Suksiriworapong, the PhD student in Pharmaceutical Technology supervised by Assoc. Prof. Varaporn Junyaprasert, received a huge sense of pride in the Dean’s List and excellent thesis award for Academic year 2011. In addition, Assoc. P...


Exit presentation of Pharm D students from College of Pharmacy, University of Arizona

Assist. Prof. Usa Chaikledkaew, Deputy Dean for International Affairs and Assoc.Prof. Busba Chindavijak, Head of Department of Pharmacy as well as other staffs participated in the exit presentation of two Pharm.D students from College of Pharmacy, Un...


Congratulations to Mr. Mana Tabloha, who won the Best Government Officer Award of the Year 2011

On April 17, 2012, the committee of monitoring and control animals for experiment congratulated to Mr Mana Tabloha who won the Best Government Officer Award of the Year of 2011 from Mahidol University. In addition, he was honored to be the Best Gove...


Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry helded the special lecture entitled “PET MOLECULAR IMAGING IN ONCOLOGY & CARDIOLOGY”.

Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry helded the special lecture entitled “PET MOLECULAR IMAGING IN ONCOLOGY & CARDIOLOGY” by Prof. Eyal Mishani, Head, Cyclotron /Radiochemistry Unit, Hadassah Hebrew University Hospital, Jerusalem, Isarael. More...


MUPY Dean cordially welcome Prof. Dr. Lothar Brecker from University of Vienna, Austria

Assoc. Prof. Chuthamanee Suthisisang, our MUPY Dean, and Assoc. Prof. Wandee Gritsanapan, a faculty member of the Department of Pharmacognosy cordially welcomed Prof. Dr. Lothar Brecker from Institute of Organic Chemistry, Faculty of Chemistry, U...


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