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MUPY launched strategy to become the best faculty of pharmacy in Asia

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Since 05 September 2009  
MUPY launched 2009-2012 Strategic Plan as the master plan toward becoming the best faculty of pharmacy in Asia. This event was honored by the presence and support of Clinical Professor Piyasakol Sakolsatayatorn, MU President. During this event, Dean Chuthamanee Sithisisang mapped out important detail of this 4 year plan. Almost 200 staff of MUPY participated in this historic event with their hearts joining together as one toward our inspiration. Assistant Dean for Information System Development, Assoc. Prof. Boontium Kongsaktrakoon developed a 7 minutes video presentation showing the progress of MUPY from its humble begining to our present glory and toward future success. Such video touched the hearts and minds of MUPY people and set a stage for our endeavor to become the best in Asia. Subsequent activities include inspiration speech by Dr. Rat Thanadirek and unity development program and play by Pharmacist Ruerat Anuratpanich. This event was held during 5-6 September 2009 at the Seabreeze Hotel in Jomtein Beach, Pattaya.

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