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MUPY welcome exchange students from University Paris Descartes

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Since 24 July 2009  
Dean Chuthamanee Suthisisang, Assoc. Prof. Cha-oncin Suksriwong, Assist. Prof. Surakit Nathisuwan (Assistant Dean for International Relations) extended an official welcome to three 5th year pharmacy students from the Faculty of Pharmacy, University Paris Descartes (Paris V) under the bilateral collaboration on student/researcher exchange program between the two institutions. These students are Ms. Ines Joober, Ms. Farah Keoheuangpraseuth and Ms. Laetitia Radal. Ms. Joober and Ms. Keoheuangpraseuth are here for their 3-month internship program on hospital pharmacy. Ms. Radal is here for her 3-month internship program on Regulatory Affairs. The period of training is from July to September of 2009. MUPY people would like extend our warm welcome to them and wish them an informative and enjoyable time in Thailand!

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