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Human Resources Unit organized the 2022 Performance Agreement (PA) meeting

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Since 16 June 2022  
On Thursday, June 16, 2022, from 09.30 am. – 04.00 pm., MUPY’s Human Resources Unit organized the 2022 Performance Agreement (PA) clarification meeting. In this regard, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Montree Jaturanpinyo, Deputy Dean for General Administration, and Mrs. Pornnuchcha Sanorpin, Head of the Human Resources Unit, were the speakers and explained about new approach if the Performance Agreement to be used in the 2023 fiscal year. This meeting was divided into two rounds. The first meeting was in the morning and conducted via an online platform. It aimed to provide relevant detail for academic staff. Then, the other meeting was in the afternoon for supportive staff, arranged at the Room 202, Deberatana Building. The purpose of this meeting was to build the mutual understanding and standard on how to implement and conduct the new Performance Agreement (PA) in this upcoming fiscal year.

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