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Since 07 June 2022
On June 7, 2022, the Faculty of Pharmacy, Mahidol University organized the annual event on the occasion of the 54th Establishment Anniversary of the Faculty of Pharmacy, Mahidol University. Having been under the social distancing and mask-wearing measures, MUPY’s administrative board, academic staff, supporting staff, and retired personnel unitedly joined this sacred event.
This year’s event comprised 4 main activities including 1) worship of the Faculty’s Phra Buddha Mahamongkon Bhesaj, 2) a merit-making ceremony for the Faculty’s 54th anniversary, 3) an awarding ceremony for outstanding staff, and 4) an official grand opening of the Faculty’s “Prof. Dr. Pradit Hutangkura Memorial” and an exhibition of the Biography and Works of Prof. Dr. Pradit Hutangkura, located on the ground floor of Rajaratana Building. Also joined these events included current faculty members and retired staff.
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