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Meet & Greet Session for MUPY’s 3rd-year students

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Since 17 March 2021  
On Wednesday, March 17, 2021, from 01.00 pm - 02.00 pm, MUPY’s Division of Student Affairs arranged the ’Meet & Greet Session’ for MUPY’s 3rd-year students. Having been both organized at Room 206, Rajaratana Bldg, and lived via the Cisco Webex platform, this event was presided over by Asst. Prof. Dr. Luerat Anuratpanich, Deputy Dean for Student Affairs and Quality Development, briefly talked about the previous student activities. He also had a chance to discuss with the students about their campus life, learning experiences, and expectations in order to provide better student support and welfare. In addition. there were more than 70 students who joined this event both an on-site and online platform.

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