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MUPY’s Faculty Member joined UST’s ICCERHC Virtual Conference

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Since 09 March 2021  
On Wednesday, March 10, 2021, at 12.30 pm (Bangkok local time), Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mullika Chomnawang participated in the 1st International Congress on Collaborative Education and Research in Health Care (ICCERHC) as an invited speaker on the topic of ’Potential of Medicinal Plant Extracts as Antimelanogenic Compounds for Hyperpigmentation Treatment’. Her lecture had been scheduled in the parallel session on the second day of the virtual conference which was organized for four consecutive days during March 9-12, 2021, by the University of Santo Tomas’s Faculty of Pharmacy, the Philippines. Having been broadcasted via the Zoom Meeting platform, this virtual conference was arranged under the theme ’Furthering Opportunities towards a Progressive Nation’ with the aim of commemorating its year-long Sesquicentennial Anniversary of UST’s Faculty of Pharmacy. The conference was a collaborative effort of the three programs of the Faculty of Pharmacy, namely Pharmacy, Medical Technology, and Biochemistry, to contribute to the University’s research and internationalization initiatives in response to the nation’s call for growth in the area of health research and education.

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