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MUPY Open House 2020

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Since 25 November 2020  
On Wednesday, November 25, 2020, from 01.00 p.m. to 05.00 p.m., MUPY’s Division of Student Affairs in collaboration with MUPY Student Association jointly organized “MUPY Open House 2020” both at Room 206, and broadcasted via YouTube Live. The purpose of this activity was to promote the Faculty to everybody, especially to high school students, regarding the learning experiences and campus life in MUPY. This activity also meant to inspire high school students who would like to study in MUPY. Moreover, the activity encouraged MUPY undergraduate students to holistically participate in this activity resulting in the unity of the organization and development of social skills for undergraduate students. There were two main activities for MUPY Open House including “Alumni Talk” and “MUPY Open House and Senior Review”. - The Alumni Talk was organized in Room 206 from 01.00 p.m. to 03.00 p.m. In this regard, Assoc. Prof. Surakit Nathisuwan, MUPY’s Dean, gave a warm welcoming speech before proceeded by four selected alumni who visited the Faculty and joined the activity to talk and share about previous experiences in the campus and their work life as Pharmacist in both public sectors and private sectors. - In terms of MUPY Open House and Senior Review, it was broadcasted via YouTube Live from 03.00 p.m. to 05.00 p.m. The program was proceeded by six representatives of undergraduate students. This program was about the experiences and life as a student of the Faculty of Pharmacy, Mahidol University. In addition, the MUPY Open House also supported the strategy of Mahidol University, ‘Policy Advocacy and Leaders in Professional / Academic Services’, as well as promoted the University to outsiders and encouraged the unity of our organization.

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