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Since 26 April 2019
On Friday 26th April 2019, Mahidol University’s graduate students in ’Health Technology Assessment (HTA) program’ and ’Social, Economic and Administrative Pharmacy (SEAP) program’ received research presentation awards in The 8th HTASiaLink Conference hosted by National Evidence-based Healthcare Collaborating Agency (NECA) during April 24-27, 2019 at Seoul University, Korea.
The awardees are as follows.
1. Ms.Anne Julienne Genuino, HTA’s graduate student, received the 2nd place prize for Oral Presentation in the area of ’Economic Evaluation’ from the research study entitled ’Cost-utility analysis of adjuvant trastuzumab therapy for HER2-positive early stage breast cancer in the Philippines’ under supervision of Assoc. Prof. Dr. Usa Chaikledkaew.
2. Ms.Saowalak Turongkaravee, RPh., SEAP’s graduate student, received the 3rd place prize for Oral Presentation in the area of ’Health Systems Research’ from the research study entitled ’Association between SLCO1B1 gene and myopathy risk in patients receiving statin: A systematic review and meta-analysis’ under supervision of Assoc. Prof. Dr. Usa Chaikledkaew.
3. Ms.Monthira Assanatham, MD., HTA’s graduate student, received the 1st place prize for Poster Presentation from the research study entitled ’Cost-utility analysis of different renal replacement therapy modalities for end stage renal disease patients in Thailand’ under supervision of Assoc. Prof. Dr. Usa Chaikledkaew.
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More detail about MUPY’s graduate programs: https://www.pharmacy.mahidol.ac.th/en/study-graduate.php
More detail about MUHTA graduate program: https://graduate.mahidol.ac.th/
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