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Since 02 December 2015
Faculty of Pharmacy, Mahidol University officially organized “The 1st International Conference on Pharmacy Education and Research Network of ASEAN” or ’ASEAN PharmNET I Conference’ during December 2nd - 4th, 2015 at The Landmark Bangkok Hotel. In this occasion, Clin. Prof. Udom Kachintorn, M.D., President of Mahidol University, presided over the opening ceremony on December 2nd, 2015. The ASEAN PharmNET I Conference, formerly the Indochina Conference on Pharmaceutical Sciences (Pharma Indochina), was hosted by the Faculty of Pharmacy, Mahidol University in conjunction with 11 prestigious pharmacy schools in ASEAN countries. The theme of the conference was “Harmonizing the Diversity of Pharmacy Profession in the Era of AEC”. The goal of this conference was to create the platform where the participants from ASEAN pharmacy schools could share knowledge and experience in the recent advances in pharmacy education as well as research related to all disciplines of Pharmaceutical Sciences, where plenary sections, oral and poster presentations were delivered by invited speakers and participants. The conference also aimed to promote closer and broader cooperation with 12 leading pharmacy schools for moving toward the advancement of pharmacy education and research in ASEAN countries.
The conference consisted of many interesting sessions, presentations and discussion on “Pharmacy Education and Research Network of ASEAN countries” such as a Keynote Address in the topic of ’Harmonizing the Diversity of Pharmacy Profession in the Era of AEC: Focusing on Pharmacy Education & Research’ delivered by Assoc. Prof. Nantana Gajaseni, AUN Executive Director of AUN Secretariat Office. One of the most exciting topics was the pharmacy education system and curriculum that should be sought after in order to share the resources and move forward together; consequently, all 12 Deans and Rectors of leading pharmacy schools in ASEAN joined ’Dean Forum’ session to discuss ways to develop programs and activities that could be shared and combined to create a network of cooperation among the Faculties of Pharmacy in ASEAN with the purpose of reinforcing a collaboration and network among all participating pharmacy schools from ASEAN countries to sharing human resources and providing capacity building for pharmacy education and research and pharmacy system of ASEAN countries which would hopefully lead to the benefits of ASEAN community altogether. Moreover, a section designated as “Student Forum and Plenary” was added to encourage undergraduate students to present their thoughts and ideas toward pharmacy education in an international environment. In addition to the full scientific programs, all participants had an opportunity to network among colleagues while enjoying the cuisine, culture, and warm hospitality at Welcome Reception and Gala Dinner in the evening of December 3rd, 2015.
Regarding the next conference organizer, Faculty of Pharmacy, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia has been appointed to host the ASEAN PharmNET conference in the year of 2017 in Malaysia.
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