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Happiness Making Comittee organized the special lecture under Happy Health Project

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Since 20 July 2022  
On Wednesday, July 20, 2022, from 01.30 pm. - 03.30 pm. Happiness Making Committee, Faculty of Pharmacy, Mahidol University organized the special lecture under Happy Health Project on the topic of ’Food, Health and Safety’ at Laboratory Room, Rajaratana Building. In this regard, Assist. Prof. Dr. Orasa Suriyaphan and Ms. Wilaiwan Thongbainoi delivered the knowledge on this topic as well as demonstrated how to examine the hazardous substances in food. There were 10 of MUPY staff who joined this lecture. This special lecture was arranged under the ‘MUPY Healthy Organization Productivity’ project which has been the project that the Faculty is continuing to support for 10 years. The purpose of this event was to raise awareness on food and consumption encouraging all MUPY staff to have a better health and a better life for a better job. Moreover, this activity was also responding to the SDGs in 3rd Goal: ensure healthy lives and promote well-being at all ages.

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