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M.Sc. in Pharm. (Clinical Pharmacy) & M.Sc. in SEAP Programs have been accredited by AUN-QA

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Since 10 August 2020  
MUPY’s graduate programs including Master of Science in Pharmacy Program in Clinical Pharmacy (International Program) and Master of Science Program in Social, Economic and Administrative Pharmacy (International Program) have been internationally accredited by the ASEAN University Network-Quality Assurance (AUN-QA) which has been valid from 6 March 2020 - 5 March 2025. In this regard, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Suvatna Chulavatnatol, MUPY’s Dean, along with the program directors of the two accredited programs, namely Assoc. Prof. Dr. Pramote Tragulpiankit, the director of the Master of Science in Pharmacy Program in Clinical Pharmacy, and Asst. Prof. Dr. Luerat Anuratpanich, the director of the Master of Science Programs in Social, Economic and Administrative Pharmacy, attended and received the AUN-QA Certificate in the Certificate Presentation Ceremony for AUN-QA Assessment of Mahidol University held on August 10, 2020, at Institute for Population and Social Research located at Mahidol University’s Salaya Campus. The awarding ceremony was presided by Mahidol University’s President, Prof. Banchong Mahaisavariya, M.D., who delivered the certificate to the representatives of the accredited graduate programs. Also joined the ceremony included MUPY faculty members and program committees. Furthermore, the Dean and Program Directors attended a special talk entitled ’AUN-QA Standard, Who Obtain the Benefits?’ hosted by Mahidol University’s Division of Quality Development. The event aimed to provide a session to share experiences of the accredited program’s staff as well as to encourage other graduate programs to apply for the AUN-QA assessment. Involved in the special event was Assoc. Prof. Preecha Montakantikul, Vice Chairperson of MUPY’s Department of Pharmacy, as one of the invited panelists. AUN-QA Network is established as the ASEAN quality assurance network in higher education with the responsibilities including promoting quality assurance in higher education institutions, raising the quality of higher education, and collaborating with both regional and international bodies for the benefit of the ASEAN community. The 5-year certification from AUN-QA is a significant mechanism in educational quality assurance as it formulates a common standard regionally and globally for member universities aiming to support student transfer or credit comparison, and strengthen the quality of higher education programs in the region. The certification is valid for 5 years, thus, the universities are allowed to adjust or improve the programs in accordance with the updated standards. #SEAP

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