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Special lectures delivered by an invited speaker from Taiwan

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Since 29 January 2020  
On Monday, January 29, 2020, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Usa Chaikledkaew, Director of Graduate Program in Health Technology Assessment (MU-HTA), along with faculty members hosted a reception for Dr. Jasmine Pwu, the Director of National Hepatitis C Program, Taiwan. She had been invited to visit MU-HTA Office located at MUPY to deliver special lectures to faculty members and graduate students. In the morning session, she gave the lecture entitled ’Economic Evaluation, HTA, and Policy Making - Some Reflections’. Then, she talked about ’Real World Evidence in Taiwan National Hepatitis C Program’ in the afternoon session. The lectures were organized at the Meeting Room 401 located on the 4th floor, Pradit Hutangura Research Bldg., Faculty of Pharmacy, Mahidol University.

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