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MUPY Dean welcomed the 3rd external site visit of the Committees of the National Education Standards and Quality Assessment

Assoc. Prof. Chuthamanee Suthisisang, our MUPY dean, administrative boards, and staffs cordially welcomed the 3rd esternal site visit of the Committees of the Office for National Education Standards and Quality Assessment(ONESQA) on February 22, 2012...


Congratulations to MUPY students who received the scholarship from Daewoong Foundation 2011the excellent award at the 7th Pharma IndoChina Conferrence

Assoc. Prof. Pisamai Kulkanjanatorn and Lecturer. Likasit Wongsorasak welcomed Mr. Young Ho Park, Manager of Daewoong Pharmaceuticals, Korea who was awarded twenty scholarships to MUPY students (10 for 4th year students and 10 for 5th year student)....


MUPY Dean cordially welcomed pharmacists who attended the training program of medical technology and public health for health professionals from the Lao People’s Democratic Republic

Assoc. Prof. Chuthamanee Suthisisang, our MUPY dean, cordially welcomed pharmacists who attended the traning program of healh technology and public health for health professionals from Lao on February 6, 2012. The training program has been initiat...


MUPY Dean cordially welcome Dr. Patrick H. Lukulay from the USP Headquarters

Dean cordially welcomed Dr. Patrick H. Lukulay, Director of Promoting the Quality of Medicines Program (PQM) from USP Headquarters and Thai USP staff. Dr. Patrick also showed appreciation to MUPY for our kind co-opertation in the pharmaceutical manuf...


MUPY held the academic conference on “Diabetes Educator Training Program for Pharmacist”

Graduate study and Post-graduate studies, MUPYheld the academic conference on “Diabetes Educator Training Program for Pharmacist” during January 25-27, 2012. There were more than 350 attendants participating at the conference. ...


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