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MUPY helded an appreciation party for retired MUPY staffs

On 19 September 2012, MUPY held an appreciation party for Assoc.Prof.Pleumchitt Rojanapanthu, Ms. Sopit Harinsut, Ms. Dussanee Tanathitipong, Ms. Kedsarat Weerasibunroung, Mr. Palee Wankaew, and Mr. Kasem Suknuntee for their contribution toward the g...


MUPY Administative Committees congratulated to our new Dean, Assoc.Prof. Chuthamanee Suthisisang

MUPY administrarive committees congratulated to our new Dean, Assoc.Prof. Chuthamanee Suthisisang on the occasion of the second apppointment as MUPY Dean and our appreciation for her successful leadership during the first appointment period. ...


MUPY helded public education on the appropriate use and safety of psudoephidrine

MUPY Foundation, MUPY Alumni Club, and MUPY Student Club helded a puclic education on the appropriate use and safety of psudoephidrine and other drugs without any registration fee. In addtion, the interesting workshops such as how to make herbal dri...


MUPY staffs congratulated to our new Dean Chuthamanee

On behalf of MUPY staffs, Ms. Kaewmanee Kumpai, MUPY secretary, congratulated to our new Dean, Assoc. Prof. Chuthamanee Suthisisang in the occasion of the second appointment as Dean of MUPY. ...


MUPY welcomed an exchanged student from Chiba University

Assit.Prof. Usa Chaiakledkaew, Deputy Dean for International Affairs, and Dr. Supachoke MangMool cordially welcome Mr. Naofumi Seira, an exchanged student from Chiba University. He will participate in the pharmacology laboratory training program arra...


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